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05 Luglio 2024 / 14:19
With Volante Technologies, from “compliance” to “opportunity”


With Volante Technologies, from “compliance” to “opportunity”

- 11 Gennaio 2023
PSP innovators providing smarter services now have the benefit of a past education and are seizing an open future of advancement.
Continuous change in the payments landscape is an evolutionary given for all participating providers. Regulation for electronic payments services has been in place for c15 years, over which time, the importance of APIs and new technology to boost innovation has become increasingly evident.
In Europe, there are currently many competing initiatives requiring a response from Payment Service Providers (PSPs)-one of the most prominent being the EU preparation of rules requiring eurozone PSPs to offer Instant Payments (IPs) in euros. At Salone Dei Pagamenti in Milan experts discussed how PSPs are at a favorable juncture of circumstances, ready to take advantage of the learning from the years that have preceded. In short, the appetite to properly monetize investment over ‘just getting compliant’ is swiftly growing. PSP innovators providing smarter services now have the benefit of a past education and are seizing an open future of advancement.
With a large economy, government initiatives and a supportive Italian Banking Association, Italy has made progress, being one of the first to adhere to SEPA Instant Credit, but there is still a way to go for all in Europe. The next challenging step is to achieve true scale within the SLAs. The EU reports that only 11% of euro credit transfers were in the form of IPs at the end of 2021, so the opportunity to build business cases and digital services on top of foundations is as great as ever.
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